Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thought #43: Doppelgaenger accompaniment

Following movements
of phantom limbs,
one arm reaching for the other like
a suit of armor unlike any other.

The steps he'll take
count ten and one,
till he reaches the wall mirror
and feels its surface with
the ghostly palms of his.

Hearing the voice beyond
pushes aside the gelatinous field;
Footsteps on dark and vacant corridors
vibrate the silence with echoes of funeral tears.
And then his voice like
music first heard as a convoluted, muffled sound...

"'Tis I" it spoke,
but "'Tis thou" should had been uttered.
A perfect twin -
crying his name so uninvitingly.

What came to pass,
inside the realm of turnabouts
would not once follow the scores of said conductor.
Instead a free form chosen;
as his other self had once envisioned.
Deadly notes, high-strung vocality,
illicit words for the faint of heart.
It was a joust of supremacy.
The world would question still,
who was the one,
who walked back out
across the mirror's other side...
©2006-2007 *l0v3l3ss

Cause I'm always jealous... Please tell me you understand!

1 comment:

Attalanti said...

Ήξερα πως θα τη λάτρευες :)


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